Community Collaboration creates Ones of a Kind

Published | May 09, 2017 | IN BEST Employment

The New England North West is becoming accustomed to seeing 'One of Kind' retail shops, and now the store in Narrabri has gotten even better. One of a Kind has officially opened its new retail shop front and workshop centre on the Newell Highway.

One of a Kind is community focused not-for-profit organisation and its seems only fitting they have teamed up with BEST Employment to create a larger presence in heart of the North West.

The shop uses Work for the Dole participants to help keep the retail shop open, which in turn returns its profits to the community.

"The Work for the Dole programme itself has really helped us to expand and really put stability into the roll out of the programs that we want to do. Because our retails shops are not what we're about. We're about supporting communities." Said Wayne Richards, CEO One of a Kind.

Work for the Dole participants have helped renovate and fit out the new facility, and will now continue to volunteer in the upcycle workshop and retail sector.

"The project engages the participants on a lot of levels.This project is a great example of collaboration between all three providers." Ilonka Patkos, Work for the Dole Broker.

If you haven't stopped, now is the time to check it out.


You can read more on the story here, The Courier published 11th May 2017.

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