
Invested in Our Community

BEST Employment prides itself on being fully involved in our communities.

We achieve this through:

  • Community event sponsorship
  • Staff involvement in activities
  • Financial contributions to community initiatives that assist us to achieve our mission


Our Initiatives

Work for the Dole

BEST Community Connections

BEST Community Shed


Gain Skills and Experience

Work for the Dole is a work experience program which places jobseekers in activities where they can build new skills, gain experience and confidence to move from welfare to work while giving back to their community.​

Work for the Dole activities can be hosted by not-for-profit organisations/charities, or local, state, or Australian Government organisations or agencies. During the Work for the Dole phase, jobseekers undertake work-like activities at a host organisation or as part of a community-based project.

Hosting WFD


BEST Community Connections

BEST Community Connections Logo

Is about providing excellent services to people with disabilities with a strong focus on person-centred planning, inclusiveness and independence.

We support people to make choices around how they want to live their life, their way, supporting people to have their best life possible.

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BEST Community Shed

BEST Community Shed Logo

Takes in preloved items in a reasonable condition, such as furniture and clothing, revitalises the items and sells them out of their Otho Street shop front. And we're returning the profits to the Inverell community, to help build a more resilient and sustainable town.

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BEST Community